Social Distancing is becoming self imposed isolation. This is the need of the hour, we are in the crucial week, where we can flatten the curve and not put pressure on our health care system. Here are my 10 things I am doing. No one has experienced this before, so its hard to know if its an over reaction or not:
1. Ask the question, is it necessary or not. Is going out for coffee, client meeting, going to office, work out, ordering in food, grocery shop run necessary? Can you do without? Each person will have their own answer, but its important to ask this question. Its important to make mindful decisions.
2. We have decided to give all our house help paid time off for the next 10 days. Their safety is as important as ours. It was a tough decision, I honestly cant live without my maids. But it has to be done.
3. Morning walk and work out. Keeping your body healthy and fit is important to fight all kinds of diseases not just the Covid 19 strain of Coronavirus. We dont need to go for walks in groups, there are some amazing fitness folks sharing videos for working out indoors. Do it.
4. Work from home: If you feel, your line of work cannot work from home, think again.. be creative, its time to figure it out. Its make it work time... there are some amazing tools you can use, google has set many up, zoom call is easy and you can screen share with your colleagues and explain ideas quite well. Google docs allows people to live update sheets and cowork on the same sheet. Its like sitting next to each other. The advantages of working from the comfort of your house in pajamas are just amazing. Ofcourse there are many professions, that still need to go in and I honestly dont have an answer for them. Be safe, stay away from crowds or take that much needed time off.
5. Learn something new, the internet is loaded with tutorials. Craft projects, music pieces, singing lessons, dance lessons, learn a new software, coding, baking, cooking, magic tricks- you name it there is a tutorial for it all.
6. Reach out to your friends, check on them, its only a whatsapp message or a phone call. Many people are facing the same issues and it helps to reinforce and support each other in times of this global pandemic.
7. Meditate, breathe in and out. Try to empty your mind, cut yourself off digitally for sometime. Too much information can start to cause a sense of panic. When in doubt stay in.
8. Netflix, why not, because we can. Share your list of awesome shows. Now is the perfect time to binge watch and stay in. Ill share my list soon.
9. Read that book. Omg, I realise this should be on top of the list. But ya its time to read that unfinished book. Ill make my list of favourites in the next post.
10. Challenge your family members to that game of chess, or cards, or Catan or Ludo or Monopoly. It will be fun and bring in some laughs (or competitive angst) but it will at least ease the tension.
These are my 10. Tell me yours. We are in this together. We need to stay at home, away from each other and flatten that curve.